Volume VI: Evil, Sin, and Suffering

Volume VI

Evil, Sin, and Suffering

It is time to develop a biblical perspective on the origin and nature of evil, sin, pain, sickness, suffering, and death.

To develop this perspective, we will have to dismantle what already has a hold on our minds. This is necessary for Western Christians because they tend to think along certain well-established thought patterns that did not originate from the Bible. We will identify those unbiblical thought patterns in Section A.

Then, in Sections B through D, we will discuss a biblical view of evil, sin, pain, sickness, suffering, and death. In Section E, we will study the origin and involvement in this world of Satan and demons. Then, in Sections F through J, we will discuss the various sources of good and evil. Finally, in Section K, we will summarize by combining into one picture the interaction of evil, sin, pain, sickness, suffering, and death.

This volume is divided into the following sections:

Studying these subjects will help explain from what people need to be saved, which we will study in Volume VII, Soteriology.