Volume X: Trinity and Christology

Volume X

Trinity and Christology

In this volume, we will discuss the Trinity and Christology.

The word, Trinity, comes from tri meaning “three” and unity meaning “united as one.” The word is not in the Bible, but it summarizes the orthodox Christian view that God is three Persons in One God.

Christology is the study of Jesus Christ.

One’s understanding of Jesus as both God and man has always been a crucial element of our understanding of the Trinity. Establishing the fact that Father-God is God has not been a problem historically, but the early Church fathers had to wrestle with their understanding of Jesus as both God and man. Similarly, today, people have to grasp this truth to embrace the Trinity.

Knowing that the Holy Spirit is also God is just as important for understanding the Trinity, but we will dedicate Volume XI to our study of the Holy Spirit.

This volume is broken into the following sections: