With theology, the beginning point is God (assuming we have already established our source of truth, which is the Bible). How we understand God should determine everything we understand about His interactions with this world. Therefore, the foundation laid in this volume will influence all the subjects addressed throughout Father-Son Theology.
In Volume I, Section A, we will discuss some fundamental assumptions that determine what we believe about God. We must look critically at our assumptions before we can accurately understand what the Bible teaches about the nature of God.
After we deal with those assumptions in Section A, we will go on in the rest of this volume to develop a biblical view of God by examining relevant Bible passages. We will build one truth upon another as God is revealed in the Holy Pages. We will divide our biblical study of the nature of God into the following sections:
The compilation of our study of these areas will provide us with a solid foundation for FST. After laying that foundation, we will investigate the God of CT . We will begin by discussing how the ancient Greek philosophers developed their concept of god. Then we will discover how some of the thoughts of the ancient philosophers were incorporated into early Christianity. After that, we will see how the Classical view of God is frequently in conflict with the biblical revelation. We will finish this first volume by discussing the importance of building our theology on the biblical view of God. These discussions will be broken into the following sections:
Only after these foundations have been laid, will we be able to go on in the remaining volumes to build FST. You will see that a person’s concept of God determines their theology. The Classical view of God leads to CT, and the biblical view of God leads to FST.