Universities and Schools of Ministry

Universities and Schools of Ministry

Check out the schools and schools of ministry below that already use Father-Son Theology in their curriculum. Some of them offer college credits that can count toward your degree and get you closer to graduation.


Crown Institute of Theology

Okanogan, WA, US



Vision International University

Ramona, CA, US


Wagner University

Rancho Cucamonga, CA, US


Wagner Leadership Institute



Schools of Ministry

Freedom Gateway Center

Farmington, MI, US


Kingdom Movement School of Ministry

Vancouver, WA, US


Institute for Hope and Life

Yakima, WA, US


Northwest School of Supernatural Ministry

Rainer, OR, US


RiverLife School of Ministry

Chapel Hill, NC, US


Are you interested in adopting Father-Son Theology for your university or school’s curriculum? Contact us to see how to get started on this and get your institution linked above. We would love to help you in any way we can.

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Catch the Vision Catch the Vision

Father-Son Theology reveals God as our Father. As we seek Him — not for what He does but for who He is — we discover a fundamental aspect of God. He is a loving Father who desires sons and daughters...

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